The MADEofTHIS show, coming October 2025 to Pink Dog Creative has been a flurry of spinning, weaving, sewing, sculpting … so many things in motion all at once. It has felt gratifying to put the final touches on some of the pieces. Here is a sneak peek:

I will be part of the artisans representing Local Cloth at the Big Crafty December 7th and 8th! 30% of our sales will go to Local Cloth (grateful to support them). I will have handspun yarn, handwoven shawls, and handwoven purses. Here is a sneak peek:

I’m sending all my love to the artists in the River Arts District. We were going to have a holiday sale at Local Cloth. They were flooded, but will rebuild. Visit their page here to support them. They are fundraising for the studio, the fiber artists and farmers affected by Helene.

Today is a fine day to begin …

The world asked me to do other things for a while {I don’t think an artist’s path is ever straight}. But, finally, the time was ripe to once again be a maker. I felt a tug to design a few items to wear. I spent the winter experimenting, sewing, sculpting. So now you will find a little shop here. Wrap yourself in a very soft garment {it may dress you up a bit, or take the chill off, or both}. Don a necklace, and find yourself holding the silver pendant as your mind trails off to a distant thought. However you wear these, know, they were made with love.


London District Studios

Opening Reception:

Wednesday, November 8th, 5 – 10pm

Show runs through November 30th 2017.

Archival Reproductions to Mission Hospital

I am honored that 3 of the Wind pieces have been acquired by Mission Health Systems.

The original paintings are currently in my new studio.  Stop by to say hi and see the originals.  High-end archival prints are available of most all of my work, in many sizes.

Ethel finds the perfect home

Was invited this spring to be a part of the Hats show at the Adler Gallery in Posana, downtown Asheville.  What a fun opening night!  The room was so packed we all moved around the room like sardines in a can.

At one point I was called over to meet the woman that had just bought my painting.  “Oh!” I said, “you are taking Ethel home.”   “Ethel was my great-grandmother’s name,” she said.  I asked her if she had looked at the painting’s label.  “I have the meaning of the name Ethel on there.  It means Noble,” I said.  “Noble is my dog’s name!” she exclaimed.  So perfect.  And, this was her very first art purchase.  I am honored.

What a sweet connection.  Shay is a kind, wonderful soul.  I hope we cross paths many more times!

Opening night was April 20th.  The show runs through mid-July.  Check it out if you have a chance!

“The Best He Knew How”
24 x 15.5, acrylic, pencil on board

Floyd and Eva

take a journey

I am very honored that Erin and Nat chose to take my great-great uncle and aunt home today.  This piece entitled, “The Best He Knew How” is a tribute to the sweet and undying love Floyd had for his wife Eva as they lived their long lives running a saw mill during the start of the 20th century in Michigan.

“Hoeing the Bed Mint”
36 x 30, acrylic, pencil on board


The Hunters Museum of Chattanooga, TN had a very successful fund-raising gala!  This painting was 1 of only 15 chosen in all of Asheville for this event.  I am grateful for the collector who purchased this to support the museum.  The museum chose works from select cities (NYC, Boston, Asheville, Santa Fe, and Chattanooga) for a total of almost 80 pieces.  I am very honored to have been included in this event!

“Just After the Mint Tub has been Capped”
36 x 30, acrylic, pencil on board

Weathering the Storm

This sentimental piece of my grandpa was purchased by a lovely couple from Myrtle Beach, SC – right before the hurricane blew through our region!  I think he fared all right, but being from the mid-west, he was a bit nervous during the storm.

“At the End of the Road
in the Middle of Nowhere”
acrylic, pencil, charcoal on board

The Little White House

The Little White House is currently on its way to Jackson Hole, Wyoming to abide with my dear friend Ed, who has been a long-time supporter of my work.  Grateful for you, Ed.  Can’t wait to see what the little house looks like in yours!

“Planting the Row Mint”
24 x 48 acrylic, pencil on board

A Bit of Country

for The City

This painting recently went home with a couple from NYC.  So wish I could have met this sweet couple while they were in my studio.  Perhaps our paths will cross again.  Be well.